Allyson Rafanello

Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students

Allyson Rafanello

Allyson Rafanello

Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students



I’m honored to have been a part of the UNI community for over eight years. During that time, I’ve worked in three different roles within the Office of the Dean of Students. I most recently stepped into the Dean of Students role in 2018. In my career, I’ve worked at a large public university, two small private colleges, and another regional comprehensive university. I choose to continue being a part of the UNI community and working with our students because of who they are - honest, hard working, and dedicated. 

As the Dean of Students most of my direct student and family contact comes through Student Care. Through Student Care myself and my team seek to serve as a partner to students, parents and family members, faculty and staff in assisting students in overcoming one or more barriers to continue their personal and academic success at UNI. 

If I’m not available, please connect with another member of my team. We work closely together to provide the best support possible. 

  • I support students in a variety of circumstances, including students who:
  • May be experiencing a crisis or emergency situation
  • Would like to explore assistance through the Student Emergency Fund
  • Need to resolve a pending student conduct allegation
  • Want to raise a complaint of student misconduct