Student Care

The University of Northern Iowa is a caring community where students have various options for support and assistance. Student Care, led and supported by staff in the Office of the Dean of Students (located in Gilchrist Hall), serves as the centralized hub for the UNI campus community in providing coordinated care efforts to students experiencing a variety of challenges during their career. 

What We Do

Through Student Care we seek to serve as a partner to students, parents and family members, faculty and staff in assisting students in overcoming challenges to continue being successful personally and academically. 


Care Team

Care Team is a group of university professionals that meet on a weekly basis during the academic year to review, discuss, and coordinate support to students demonstrating a need for assistance balancing their academic success with personal issues including, but not limited to, mental health concerns. 

Absence Information

During a student's academic career they may find themselves balancing their personal health or life circumstances that may take them away from classes for an extended period of time. In working with staff in the Office of the Dean of Students through Student Care, it may be appropriate for Dean of Students staff to notify their faculty of this absence. 



Staff working with Student Care are glad to provide additional information for parents, family members, faculty, staff and other students in support of our students.