Good Samaritan Provision

To minimize any hesitation students or student organizations may have in obtaining immediate medical or other professional help for students in need:

  • Amnesty is available to individuals who seek or accept medical or other professional assistance without fear they may be accused of minor policy violations, such as underage drinking at the time of the incident. Educational sanctions (including, but not limited to, work service, loss of privileges, educational requirements such as programs and/or presentations) may be required, but will not otherwise result in a violation of the Student Conduct Code as long as the educational sanctions are completed. 
  • To encourage students to seek medical or other professional assistance from others, amnesty is available for minor violations when students offer this help to others in need. Educational sanctions may be required, but will not otherwise result in a violation of the Student Conduct Code as long as educational sanctions are completed. 

Any exemption from conduct action granted under this policy may only apply to conduct action and/or sanctions under the Student Conduct Code and does not apply to any criminal action taken by law enforcement, such as issuing a citation or making an arrest. 

Students or student organizations choosing to utilize the Good Samaritan Provision must:

  • Be the first person to seek medical or professional assistance, before other individuals including law enforcement, university staff members, or emergency medical personnel arrive. 

  • Provide their name and contact information as requested to emergency personnel and/or university staff members. 

  • Cooperate with emergency personnel and/or university staff members. 

  • Engage with Student Conduct Administrators in the conduct process, including attending a hearing. At that time the student or student organization who believes the Good Samaritan Provision applies to their circumstances should share that with their Student Conduct Administrator.