Absence Information

Regular class attendance is a key component of a student's academic success. Students are responsible for assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, and other course expectations and activities as outlined in the syllabus for each of their classes.

At the University of Northern Iowa, the Class Attendance and Make-Up Work policy (3.06), outlines our general campus expectations for attendance, communicating classroom expectations for attendance, and the circumstances in which a faculty member is required to work with a student. 

When a student needs to consider missing an individual class or day of classes for personal reasons (personal appointment, family celebration) or common illness (a cold, the stomach flu, etc.), the student should consider their absence in alignment with attendance expectations outlined in their course syllabus. Frequently, faculty have expectations for attendance and communication about missed classes or coursework in their syllabus. In these circumstances, the student should take the lead in communicating directly with their faculty member. 

When students find themselves working through extenuating personal circumstances that will keep them away from campus for an extended period of time and/or are unable to communicate with their faculty on their own, students, family, faculty and other support individuals are encouraged to connect the student with Student Care. One option for support offered through Student Care may be to have an absence notification email sent.

Absence notification communication from staff working with Student Care is a request for faculty to provide flexibility beyond what it is outlined in their course syllabus to a specific student. This communication typically includes some information about the circumstances the student is working through and should establish that the student is working with staff in the Office of the Dean of Students to manage the personal life circumstances they are working through while trying to remain academically successful.